We want you to be happy, so we make it easy. Just have your order number in hand, you'll find it in the email you received when you placed your order at Satorisan. Here we go!
Returns and exchanges
Returns and
You have 30 days to ask for an exchange free of charge. Please note that products must be returned in perfect condition, with their original box, tags, and all accessories.
* No exchanges are allowed on Honest Sales products due to limited stock.
** Please note that if you wish to change your size and you have used a discount code, you will need to contact us to let you know how to proceed.
You have 30 days to return a product free of charge, provided it is in perfect condition.
* The return will cost €10 for the following countries: France, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
** Please note that if you wish to return the exchanged product, we will deduct 5€ from the refund. This charge will also be added to countries where returns are not free of charge.
You have 30 days to ask for an exchange free of charge Please note that products must be returned in perfect condition, with their original box, tags, and all accessories.
* No exchanges are allowed on Honest Sales products due to limited stock.
** Please note that if you wish to change your size and you have used a discount code, you will need to contact us to let you know how to proceed.
You have 30 days to return a product free of charge, provided it is in perfect condition.
* The return will cost €10 for the following countries: France, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
** Please note that if you wish to return the exchanged product, we will deduct 5€ from the refund. This charge will also be added to countries where returns are not free of charge.
Still have questions?
You can check all the details here or if you prefer, you can contact us through:
Send us an email hello@satorisan.com
Or call us at +34 961 105 022
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM CEST